In Japan, a new beauty trend has emerged: Disarranged teeth.  The imperfections of a smile with ‘bad’ teeth are similar to a innocent child’s, so girls with disarranged teeth are considered “Cute, childish, and innocent.”

Japanese men also find females with crooked, imperfect teeth as good candidates for future girlfriends and wives. This ‘look’, called yaeba, translates to “double tooth”. It is attractive because many Japanese men claims it is easier to approach a female with flaws on their teeth,  than the class

Sounds like a severe case of low self esteem for the men’s part in my opinion.

With this trend becoming stronger and stronger, many Japanese women have already gone to their dental salon and paid big money to deliberately screw up their teeth.

Although I agree with the idea the girls do appear younger and innocent with disarranged teeth,
I don’t think I would ever feel safe when it comes to kissing a girl with yaeba teeth.